Dear Qibil,

pls click the title to view the video
there has been an error here .
thank you!

video video
bwt teman aku :)
1st 2 video dari band punk sg..
last 2 video..dari band kita :)
maaf yah klo main lagunya ga sedap :)

unknown soldier 2

unknown soldier

the ruffian jamming ses

T.Ruffians jamming ses

** WOW MAAA! **
6:58 PM

Dear Qibil,

** WOW MAAA! **
12:03 AM

Dear Qibil,

** WOW MAAA! **
11:09 PM

Dear Qibil,

** WOW MAAA! **
10:42 PM

Dear Qibil,

** WOW MAAA! **
12:44 AM

emma- LiLi Changcut
20 tahun
23 October 1989
creator of this blog n this skin
Qibilicious :P
Brader Changcut
Tria Changcut
Qibil Changcut
Alda Changcut
Erick Changcut

meet qibil!!
meet The changcuters
meet the whole changcut rangers


The Changcuters - Senandung Pertemanan.mp3

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March 2009
April 2009
May 2009